Pneumatic Transport: Storage and dosing systems
Solids and liquids
We guarantee that the raw materials are transported in safe conditions preventing them from pollution or alteration.
We offer solutions adapted to each product to maintain their properties to get the maximum energy saving in different types of pneumatic transport: dense and dilute phase, into aspiration and impulsion, and transport with humidity control of the product and cleaning pipe system.
Coscollola Engineering offers SOLUTIONS adapted to each customer, product, throughput and local conditions in order to keep their properties to get the maximum energy savings, with humidity product control transports and also with a cleaning tube system, etc,…
Pneumatic Transport
We use it for little abrasive products with low wear and brake with a transport speed oscillating between 15 and 35 m/s, which allows to make indistinctly long or short trails.
Our know-how in this technology reaches the 50 Tm/hour and pipes till DN200 mm
With a very low costs of investments and maintenance, it is a very flexible system in number of lines, with a continuous operation or in batch.
It is a total closed system, where the product is insulated, allowing to introduce through a pump or a blower, dry air into the pipe in order to keep the features of the product or from the inert gas if there is ATEX requirements (explosive environment). In this type of transport, air is introduced by a pump or blower inside the pipe, creating a relation of more air than product, and before they arrive to their destiny, the two elements get separated by a filter or cyclone.
We will choose the filter according to the product we must transport, although generically we will use textile sleeve filters or cartridges for powdery products, from mesh and/or paper for granulated products.
- In case of sleeve filters, the auto-cleaning system will be through a pressurized air flow in countercurrent controlled by a local PLC.
- In case of mesh and/or paper filters, the cleaning is made through an effect called implosion consisting in a vacuum valve to generate an inwards shockwave which makes the filter to vibrate, provoking the deposits to precipitate.
- For flakes or fibers, the filter is defined according to the existing powder quantity in the product.
- Individual or single solutions, with capabilities between 10 and 1600 kg/h, and diameter of pipe between 38 and 60 mm, the idea is “a product = a machine” (all-in-one), including the blower, the control and the filter.
- System or centralized solutions where the numbers of lines depends on the different destiny points, on the distance between them, on the origin of the shipment and also on the kg to be transported and also on the product features. This solution includes a pump or blower and a filter per line and/or product, plus other in stand-by. According to the automatism level, we can offer standard or customized controls.
- In Barcelona, dosing of three components and transport for 8.00 kg/h of granulated polymer with CaCO3 and additives.
- In Tarragona, transport system for 25.000 kg/h of granulated polymer.
- In Alicante, dosing of 6 components and transport for 2.000 kg/h resin mixer, CaCO3, pigment, stabilizer, TiO2 and additive.
Pneumatic Transport
We recommend it for abrasive and delicate products with high content of fiber and/or minerals. It is also the ideal solution to take final products to a bagging station and it is very useful for the transport of mixing of products with different densities. The transport speed goes between 2 and 12 m/s and allows us to make long trails, so the product arrives to destination with the same features it had in origin. Moreover, for long trails and/or to reduce the product’s friction in the pipe, we can additionally install a parallel air line of transport which allows us to inject air and to fluidize the product.
In this technology, our know-how has a capability till 20 Tn/hour and the pipe till DN120 mm
It is a complete closed system in order to isolate the product from any kind of pollution and it can work in continuous or in batch.
Solutions through a Propeller. The product to be transported is introduced in a container we call propeller, and when it reaches the required level, the product’s entry closes and compressed air comes in till the working pressure is reached-will depend on the distance-, then we close the air entry and we open the propeller so that the first thing coming out is the product pushed by the air.
Solutions though a rotative valve. Before installing the valve, it must be installed the device which will inject the compressed air to the line, it can be the customer’s usual circuit or a specific compressor for this process. The compressed air is introduced in the pipe and through a rotary valve, the product is transported and dosed in quantity and cadency in accordance with the production requirements, in this way we can fill in the pipe completely with the product or to sequence the cadency “air-product-air” as needed.
We will choose the filter depending on the product to be transported, but in general terms we will use textile sleeve filters with a compressed air flow auto-cleaning counterflow system, or cartridges for powdery products. For granulate products, we will use mesh and/or paper filters, and for flakes, fibers or codends, the filter will be defined according to the existing dust quantity in the product.
European regional development fund
A way to make europe
Coscollola Engineering SL, within the framework of the ICEX Next Program, has received support from ICEX and co-financing from the European FEDER fund. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.